Governor Ricketts’ racism is perfect
for Nebraska’s “lily-White” government
and businesses!

On August 8, 2018 Governor Ricketts unveiled his “Strategic Plan for International Engagement.”  As usual, Governor Ricketts and his incestuous business cronies configured a team of White people, apparently thirteen-(13) White men and four-(4) token White women to lead the Governor’s Council for International Relations. As historically and consistently practiced by all previous Governors for the State of Nebraska, Governor Ricketts ignored these facts:  

1.   White people account for only 16% of the World's population, but Ricketts’ “international engagement” team is 100% White.  

2.   Asia constitutes more than half the World's population, and China’s GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is predicted to overtake the US by 2030, but Ricketts’ “international engagement” team is 100% White.  

GDP is the market value of all final goods and services from a nation in a given year.


GDP by Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) - PPP takes into account the relative cost of local goods, services and inflation rates of the country, rather than using international market exchange rates, which may distort the real differences in per capita income.


3.   Like is or not, White people have an “affinity” for developing successful relationships with other White people; likewise, people of color have an “affinity” for developing successful relationships with other people of color, but Governor Ricketts’ Council for International Relations is 100% White.  

No, this editorial is NOT about playing the “race card.”  And no, this editorial is NOT purposed to prompt White people to feel guilty about slavery, discrimination, White privilege, oppression and all that manipulative race-based-guilt crap, oh no.  On the contrary, again, to hell with all that race-based guilt crap, this is about the here and now.  Let’s make this really simple.  


As defined in the Governor’s “Strategic Plan for International Engagement,” the targeted countries and regions for “engagement” include: Japan, Mexico, Germany, China, Korea, Israel, Southeast Asia: Australia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Sub-Saharan Africa, and South America: Argentina and Brazil.  

QUESTION 1: Are people of color citizens of Nebraska?  


QUESTION 2: Are any of Nebraska’s people of color immigrants or first or second-generation descendants from any of the Governor’s targeted countries and regions for engagement?  


QUESTION 3: Do Nebraska’s people of color (immigrants or first or second-generation descendants from any of the Governor’s targeted countries and regions for engagement) have more and/or better first-hand cultural knowledge, political knowledge, and business knowledge of the Governor’s targeted countries and regions for engagement than the lily-White members of the Governor’s Council for International Relations?

RESPONSE: Yes, immigrants (or first or second-generation descendants from any of the Governor’s targeted countries and regions for engagement) have more and/or better first-hand cultural knowledge, political knowledge, and business knowledge of the Governor’s lily-White members of the Governor’s Council for International Relations. 

QUESTION 4: So, did Governor Ricketts intentionally exclude people of color from his Governor’s Council for International Relations?  

RESPONSE: Well, yes! 

Please note, as a subject matter expert in all human resource disciplines, I’ve always been totally against quotas, Affirmative Action, or hiring or promoting someone because of their race, or sex, or whatever.  It’s been my demonstrated practice to hire, promote, discipline or reward based solely on validated work-related proficiencies – period.  Oh, perhaps, to explain or justify Governor Ricketts’ lily-White Governor’s Council for International Relations you want to use that ole tag line frequently used by White folks, “We just can’t find any qualified minorities?”  Really?  

So, who made the decision to intentionally ignore all of the successful Vietnamese men and women who operate restaurants, food stores, and other businesses lined up and down 27th Street in Lincoln, Nebraska? Are these residents of Nebraska, all who have more first-hand knowledge about Vietnam – much more than all members of the Governor’s Council for International Relations simply not worthy of consideration and development?  

Given that Dr. Maorong Jiang, Associate Professor of Political Science and International Relations, and Director of the Asian World Center at Creighton University (or his designee) has much more subject matter expertise, and actual first-hand experience about all of Asia – more than all members of the Governor’s Council for International Relations, who made the decision to exclude Dr. Maorong Jiang as a member of or consultant to the Governor’s Council for International Relations?  

Who made the decision to exclude Minister Sánchez-Salazar, Consul of Mexico in Omaha, Nebraska and a career member of the Mexican Foreign Service with wide experience in the consular, bilateral and multilateral diplomatic fields (or her designee) as a member of the Governor’s Council for International Relations?  

Given that Omaha is home to more than 10,000 South Sudanese expatriates, and that Nebraska has the world’s largest population of Nuer (Sudanese) outside South Sudan, who made the decision to exclude members of the Southern Sudan Community Association or other Omaha-based Sudanese groups or individuals as a member of the Governor’s Council for International Relations?

Why should women and people of color spend time and money obtaining higher education degrees at the best universities only to be constantly rejected from consideration for the Governor’s Council for International Relations and similar "Glass Ceiling" opportunities?


Instead of: (1) working with people of color to actually spur domestic and international economic development; and (2) showcasing the achievements of minority businesses, here’s what and how the State of Nebraska “showcases” people of color (as reported between 2008 and 2013 by the State of Nebraska’s Department of Health and Human Services):  

FACTS, as reported by Nebraska’s DHHS in 2008 for Black people:  

a.   The percent of unemployed civilian labor force among Nebraska Blacks or African Americans was almost four times as high as that of non-Hispanic Whites. About 11 percent of Blacks were unemployed in the civilian labor force, compared with about three percent of non-Hispanic Whites.

b.   A majority of Nebraska Black households, about 65 percent, lived in renter- occupied homes and about 35 percent lived in owner-occupied homes. In comparison, about 29 percent of non-Hispanic White households lived in renter- occupied homes and about 71 percent of non-Hispanic White households lived in owner-occupied homes.

c.     About 72 percent of Black or African American mothers who had given birth were unmarried, in contrast with about 20 percent of non-Hispanic White mothers who had given birth.  

QUESTION: The aforementioned data was from 2008; is there evidence anything has changed?  

RESPONSE: The social, political, and economic status of Black people in Nebraska has NOT improved.  This is the “picture” Nebraska is communicating internationally!  

FACTS, as reported by Nebraska’s DHHS in 2008 for Latinos:

a.   The poverty rate was higher for Hispanics or Latinos than for non-Hispanic Whites. About 21 percent of Hispanics were living below the poverty level in the 12 months prior to being surveyed, compared with about 9 percent of non-Hispanic Whites.

b.   About 13 percent of Hispanic households were families maintained by a woman with no husband present, compared with about eight percent of non-Hispanic White households.

c.    More than half (52 percent) of Hispanic males aged 25 and older had less than a high school education and nearly nine percent had a Bachelor’s Degree or higher education. Among non-Hispanic White males aged 25 and older, about eight percent had less than a high school education and about 29 percent had a Bachelor’s Degree or higher education.

QUESTION: The aforementioned data was from 2008; is there evidence anything has changed?  

RESPONSE: The social, political, and economic status of Latino people in Nebraska has NOT improved. This is the “picture” Nebraska is communicating internationally!

FACTS, as reported by Nebraska’s DHHS in 2013 for Native Americans:  

a.    Over 73% of American Indian and Alaska Natives, ages 15 to 50 who gave birth in the past 12 months were unmarried; this is over 3 times as many as non-Hispanic Whites.

b.    Over 3 times as many AI/AN (of all ages) as non-Hispanic Whites reported being below the poverty level in the past 12 months (36.4% and 9.5%, respectively).

c.     American Indians and Alaska Natives (12.8%) were over 3.5 times more likely than non- Hispanic Whites (3.6%) to be civilian unemployed. 

QUESTION: The aforementioned data was from 2013; is there evidence anything has changed?  

RESPONSE: Consistent with the genocide of many Native American tribes, and despite giving legal and cultural relevance to Ponca Chief Standing Bear that Native Americans are "persons within the meaning of the law" and have the right of habeas corpus, nevertheless, the United States federal government and the State of Nebraska intentionally and unilaterally terminated (eradicated) the existence of the Ponca Tribe of Nebraska in the 1950s; but after nearly forty-(40) years of appeals, it was not until October 31, 1990 that President Bush signed Senate Bill 1747 to restore federal recognition to the Ponca Tribe of Nebraska.


Given the refusal of the United States federal government and the State of Nebraska to recognize the sovereign Republic of Lakotah, and the continued use of Indian Reservations as a caste system and to perpetually imprison Native Americans - the social, political, and economic status of Native American people in Nebraska has NOT improved. This is the “picture” Nebraska is communicating internationally!  

FACTS, as reported by Nebraska’s DHHS in 2008 for Asians:

a.   In the 2006 population of Nebraska Asians, Vietnamese were the largest group accounting for nearly 31 percent of the Asian alone population. This is 19 percent higher than the national average; but Ricketts’ “international engagement” team is 100% White.

b.   The Vietnamese had a higher proportion of Asian-alone population in Congressional District 1 (about 58 percent) and in Congressional District 3 (about 36 percent); but Ricketts’ “international engagement” team is 100% White.

QUESTION: The aforementioned data was from 2008; is there evidence anything has changed?  

RESPONSE: The social, political, and economic status of Asian people in Nebraska has NOT improved. This is the “picture” Nebraska is communicating internationally!  

If Nebraska is truly committed to egalitarian principles, why are people of color routinely excluded from nearly all aspects of ”politicking” by Governor Ricketts?  

Again, if Nebraska is truly committed to egalitarian principles, why are people of color routinely excluded from nearly all aspects of ”politicking” by Governor Ricketts?  


What?  You still need more proof?  Well, take a good look at Governor Ricketts’ lily-(almost) White (male) cabinet:  

John Albin, Labor

Maj. Gen. Daryl Bohac, Military

John Bolduc,
State Patrol

Byron Diamond, Admin Services

Courtney Miller, HHS Dev Disabilities

Darrell Fisher, Crime Commission

David Bracht, Energy

David Rippe, Econ Development

Ed Toner, Chief
Info Officer

Scott Frakes, Corrections

Gerry Oligmueller, Admin Serv, Budget

Jason Jackson,
Chief HR Officer

Jeff Fassett, Natural Resources

Jim Heine,
Fire Marshal

Jim Macy,
Environ Quality

John Hilgert,
Vet Affairs

Kyle Schneweis, Transportation

Rhonda Lahmk,
Motor Vehicles

Lauren Kintner, Policy Res Dir

Mark Quandahl, Banking

Matt Miltenberger,
Chief of Staff

Matt Wallen,

Courtney Phillips,

Bruce Ramge, Insurance

Ronnie Mitchell, Trans Aeronautics

Sheri Dawson, Behavioral Health

Steve Wellman, Agriculture

Taylor Gage, Dir Strategic Comm

Tony Fulton,

Matthew Van Patton,
HHS Medicaid & LTC

Dr. Tom Williams,
HHS Dir Pub Health

Likewise, lookingback at (Governor) Pete Ricketts' private sector origins at
T.D. Ameritrade, his executive board and leadership teams were and remain lily-White. So, it's foolish to expect anything different, especially the use of egalitarian business principles, from Governor Pete Ricketts.

OBSERVATION: Of course, women are "best suited" for care-taking and administrative office types of roles, so Ricketts' cabinet has women over health and human services, administrative policy, and motor vehicles. The good-ole-boy State of Nebraska embraces stereotypes.

THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT - One of the key responsibilities of any top executive is to develop one or more highly qualified successors and related staff. In the absence of a vibrant management succession program, it’s ridiculous for White people and people of color to complain there are not enough qualified people of color in senior level “decision-making positions.” 

As validated by the State of Nebraska’s EEO-4 for 2015, and again in 2017, 92% of all public sector employees who make over $70,000 per year are White; of which approximately 72.96% are White males and only 19% are White females.

Simply put:

Even White women have a better chance of breaking into the “Glass Ceiling” in the private sector than trying to get a job in "senior management" with Governor Ricketts.

White people in "authority" in Nebraska, especially White men, have absolutely no problem hiring themselves at levels nearly 20% greater than their actual representation in state population demographics, but for some reason they are perpetually unable or unwilling to hire Black people, other minorities, and women at levels that mirror their actual population demographics. Is Pete Ricketts a racist, which includes the systematic lily-White cronyism that envelopes every aspect of his life?  If it walks like a duck . . .

Again, if Nebraska is truly committed to egalitarian principles, for both the public sector and private sector, why are people of color routinely excluded from nearly all aspects of ”politicking” by Governor Ricketts?

In the wake of the murder of George Floyd and the subsequent local killing of James Scurlock, a Black protester who was shot in downtown Omaha, Pastor Jarrod Parker of St. Mark’s Baptist Church in Omaha was in a May 2020 meeting with Governor Rickets, several Black pastors, Black leaders, and the Omaha Police Chief when Governor Ricketts made the racist statement, “The problem I have with you people is . . .” Pastor Parker left the meeting in disgust. Here again, Governor Ricketts validated his nickname, “Racist Ricketts.”  


1.   Denial, ignorance, or negligence are no excuse for the constant occurrence of blatant racism as historically and constantly demonstrated by the State of Nebraska, and Governor Ricketts and his business cronies. Governor Ricketts knows or should know that 1 in 7 white families are now millionaires; conversely for Black families, it’s 1 in 50, but instead of building an egalitarian “international engagement team" to equitably explore and share international wealth building opportunities - the Governor’s Council for International Relations is 100% White.  

2.   Instead of conducting a truly objective search to solicit input and participation of Blacks, Latinos, Asians, Women, Native Americans, Disabled, and Veterans with immediate knowledge and subject matter expertise in the cultures and businesses of various foreign governments, Governor Ricketts used the same pool of “usual and customary” cronies (political contacts, business leaders, etc.) to populate his incestuous Council for International Relations.  Nothing changes.  

3.   Don’t give any importance to those obligatory photo ops of Governor Ricketts with any Nebraska-based minority groups, because again, before and after every photo op, the overall social, political and economic status of minorities in Nebraska has not improved.  

4.   As clearly demonstrated by U.S. relationships with China, Russia, Israel, Iran and hundreds of other nations, international relationships cannot be confined to only business, because culture and politics typically hold just as much importance.  Far too often, “image” is everything.  Accordingly, far too often, the “image” the United States is communicating internationally is one of violence and incarceration:


Likewise, the “image” the State of Nebraska is communicating internationally is also one of violence frequently perpetrated by people of color, and conversely, privilege is frequently given to White people to exempt them from violence and incarceration:


QUESTION: Instead of perpetually promoting images of people of color being overrepresented in prisons and jails, or unemployed, or poverty stricken, or with extremely low graduation rates from high school and college, why aren’t Nebraska’s people of color given the opportunity to showcase their business acumen to the world?  

RESPONSE: Because as consistently validated by EEO-1 (private sector reports) and EEO-4 (public sector reports) White owned and White controlled companies in Nebraska do NOT hire qualified minorities or qualified women in higher level professional, supervisory, management, and executive level (“Glass Ceiling”) positions.  

Those targeted countries and regions for “engagement” may not bring it up, but the failure of the United States, and the State of Nebraska to actually practice and enforce egalitarian principles is well known. The contradictions, hypocrisy, deceit, and the disingenuous nature of American politicians and businessmen are just as well known throughout the world.  Plus, many of these targeted countries do a better job at diversity than the U.S. and Nebraska.  Here, take a look:

As detailed in the above exhibit, there are a greater percentage of women in corporate and governmental boardrooms in Russia (42%), China (31%), Canada (28%), Australia (23%), Brazil (29%), Mexico (31%), and throughout other countries in Europe and Asia than in the United States (20%).   

Plus, looking closely at the “Glass Ceiling” chart below, how can any delegation of business leaders from Nebraska hold their heads up high when in 2017, the “world’s leader for freedom and democracy (United States of America)” was ranked 19th, "below average" when compared to other nations in the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) “World’s Glass-Ceiling Index.”   

NOTE: Women in the United States obtained the right to vote with adoption of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution on August 18, 1920.  Conversely, women did not obtain the right to vote in France until April 29, 1945 – and France is ranked 5th in the OECD “World’s Glass-Ceiling Index.”  It’s must be true, White French men care more (avec amour) about White French women than White U.S. men care about White U.S women.

In summary, only White owned and White controlled organizations are “worthy” of consideration to be on the Governor’s International Relations Council:


The Nebraska Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is not worthy.

The Nebraska Czechs of Wilber is not worthy.

El Museo Latino is not worthy.

The Urban League of Nebraska is not worthy.

The Asian World Center is not worthy.

The Vietnamese Golf Association of Nebraska is not worthy.

The Asian Community and Cultural Center is not worthy.

The Ponca Tribe of Nebraska is not worthy.  

Culturally-based “relationship building” organizations are intentionally excluded from the “good ole boys network” enshrined by the Governor’s International Relations Council for privileged White males.

THE SOLUTION: Simple. Configure an "International Relations Council" that mirror the egalitarian principles and demographics of the world’s leader for freedom and democracy!

If not, as with the Homestead Act and related laws or practices that established White privilege, in Nebraska, you MUST be White, and preferably a White male, to be considered and approved for any involvement in the Governor’s Council for International Relations.  Given the aforementioned, many people of color might say the only difference between Pete Ricketts and David Duke (former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan) is their home address.  

Is Pete Ricketts a racist?  If it walks like a duck . . .

I welcome your feedback.

Trip Reynolds

Reynolds' Rap
August 10, 2018 / Updated July 2020
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