Nepotism and Crony Capitalism Are Still
In Bed with Mayor Stothert


What's that, you want more evidence of how the perpetual nepotism and incestuous relationship between the Empowerment Network and Mayor Stothert blends ever so nicely with her insidious allegiance to crony capitalism that has forever ruled both politics and business in Omaha? Okay.

Those buffoons at City Hall want YOU to ignore the obvious:

1. As posted on the OMLB web site as of January 10, 2022, the OMLB staff is only composed of women, that's right, only women, because it's clearly "women's" work; you know, that day-to-day administrative stuff, paper pushing, office clerical, just perfect work for women. Now, if the aforementioned sound sexists and demeaning, don't shoot the messenger, that's how the OMLB operates. If it walks like a duck . . .


2. As posted on the OMLB web site as of January 10, 2022, the eleven member OMLB Board is mostly composed of White men, but with four-(4) women. However, only one-(1) woman has the right to vote. Conversely, all but one-(1) of the seven-(7) White men can vote. Clearly, there are not enough women on the Board to cause any real damage, so the women are there just to add some "color," some "eye candy" to the Board, because they have absolutely no decision making power to effect change. Let me be clear, I'm not an advocate of Affirmative Action or a Social Justice Warrior seeking to "give" women, minorities, and LGBT+ opportunities simply because of their race, sex, etc. On the contrary, if you think affluent and well-connected White men are the only individuals with subject matter expertise in real estate and land management in metro Omaha, then you're in denial and you clearly embrace Stothert's insidious allegiance to business-as-usual crony capitalism that has forever ruled both politics and business in Omaha. Again, if it walks like a duck . . .


3. As reported by the United States Census as of July 1, 2021 female persons make up 50.7% of the city of Omaha's population, but obviously the OMLB Board could care less about establishing a more equitable representation of qualified women as Board members. It's really pathetic Stothert is yet another token female who does exactly as that unbroken chain of White males she followed.

4. If those buffoons at City Hall really wanted to conduct an objective selection process to seat a new member for the OMLB Board, they'd base their selection on the documented "proficiency" and "expertise" of the candidate who actually "best performs" the essential functions established and defined by OMLB's actual "Programs" and "Strategic Plan." But being "qualified" has absolutely nothing to do with the political shenanigans Mayor Stothert blends ever so nicely with her insidious allegiance to crony capitalism that has forever ruled both politics and business in Omaha.

For example, the following exhibit details the right way, an objective process to seat an OMLB Board member, which does not involve race, or sex, or the Empowerment Network, or who's the preferred political lacky, or the BFF to May Stothert, or Warren Buffett, or whomever. Below, "Maria Garcia" is only a fictitious character, but how do the pertinent proficiencies and subject matter expertise of Ben Gray, Sharlon Rodgers, and Tiba Brown compare to Maria Garcia? Sadly, it's likely some of the existing Board members would not perform well if measured under OMLB's own standards. So, yeah, placement on the OMLB Board has always been a rigged race. Get it?

In my role as a
subject matter expert in human resources, the exhibit above is an example of how I've successfully and consistently hired thousands of "qualified" people, and without regard to Affirmative Action, nepotism, electoral politics, social politics (#METOO movement, BLM, social justice warrior "syndrome," cancel culture "syndrome," etc.).

It's truly a shame when YOUR elected officials don't practice the egalitarian principles they preach.

Tis. Tis. Tis.

I welcome your feedback.

Trip Reynolds

Reynolds' Rap
January 2, 2022
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