YOUR tax dollars at risk?

(For the original Crete News article, click here.) As you should know, not long ago there was only one four-hundred meter (i.e., "400m") track in Crete, Nebraska - over at Doane University, which is currently being renovated and not available for public use until August 2018.

As it deemed necessary, Doane kinda made their track available to Crete Public Schools (CPS) and to the community. Then, finally, in 2016/17 a new track was built logistically between the "new" Crete High School and adjacent to the new Crete Middle School (i.e., the former Crete High School).

As a career athlete in track and field (click here), I've always been very mindful to maintain the facilities where I train and compete, which includes picking up trash, closing gates, informing the general public a track is NOT a park, that dogs are not allowed (with or without a leash), bicycles are not allowed, motorized vehicles are not allowed, playing unauthorized football or soccer on the in-field is not allowed, etc. Plus, consistent with "track etiquette" all across the United States - the middle lanes four-(4) through lane six-(6) and especially the inside lanes one-(1) through lane three-(3) are for sprinters and runners, and the outside lanes, specifically lanes seven-(7) and eight-(8) are for the much slower-moving walkers and joggers. Plus, signage is generally posted informing citizens of the number of laps required to walk or run a mile in lanes 7 and 8.

Well, absolutely no "track etiquette" exists in Crete, Nebraska - which includes public use of the 400 meter track at Doane University. To minimize or avoid property damage, school administrators and public officials in some cities either totally prohibit public access or only provide limited public access to track and field facilities. While living in Chicago, Dallas, Denver, and Omaha (yes, Omaha), I was forced to search high and low to find alternate tracks because tracks were closed when "people" violated "track etiquette" at high schools and colleges. To think facility "closure" won't happen is worse than being naive, it's stupid. Are school administrators at Crete Public Schools unable or unwilling to act responsibly to maintain the track?

Perhaps, one might think that with the last day of school for students having concluded on Friday, May 18th, which included an early dismissal that day, someone might have thought to put the hurdles, starting blocks, and mats in storage, which would protect these items from environmental damage, vandalism, theft, etc. Additionally, since the 2018 Nebraska State Track and Field Championship occurred on May 18th and May 19th at Burke Stadium in Omaha, Nebraska, why should the new CPS track equipment and the new track facility be left in a state of dereliction? Shouldn't reasonable people, people with common sense, act responsibly to take care of the new track? Yes?

Well, that's what responsible people should do, people who recognize their fiduciary responsibility to act in the public trust.

Even if a third-party was permitted use of the new CPS track facility, they should and must recognize their fiduciary responsiblity to act in the public trust and put the hurdles, starting blocks, mats, etc., in proper areas. Unfortunately, general "housekeeping" at the new track is, well, pathetic. Here, as of Wednesday, May 30, 2018 - take a look.

Hurdles left out . . .
Hurdles left out . . .
Hurdles left out . . .
Starting blocks left out . . .
High jump brackets and mat left out . . .
Signage ignored . . . people play soccer on the grass.
Starting blocks left out . . .
Hurdles left out . . .
Starting blocks left out . . .
Hurdles left out . . .
Hurdles left out . . .
Hurdles left out . . .
Hurdles left out . . .
Multiple entry points unlocked . . .
Gates left open . . .
Signage ignored by persons who play football
Finally, a recent addition of signage!

The new track should NOT be closed to the public, but:

CPS should recognize their fiduciary responsibility to act in the public trust and maintain the new track;

CPS should direct their staff to properly monitor the new track, and to conduct general "housekeeping" at the new track;

CPS should post signage (in English and Spanish) directing the general public on proper "track etiquette" use of the new track facility;

CPS should post signage informing citizens of the number of laps required to walk or run a mile in lane 7 and 8;

Nationally, track "etiquette" expects walkers, joggers (persons who run slower than eight-(8) miles, and "non-athletes" to confine themselves primarily to lanes 6, 7, and 8. But in Crete, "people" are frequently walking with or without their dogs, scooters, and baby strollers in lanes 1 through 6.

CPS should reduce the number of unlocked entry points into the new track facility to more effectively manage traffic and conduct facility maintenance; and

To prevent people from bringing their bikes, strollers, soccer equipment, etc., onto the track, high schools, colleges, and universities either: (a) completely deny access; or (b) have gated entry systems that prevent access of bikes, strollers, soccer equipment, etc.


Click photos to enlarge



Click photos to enlarge

As pictured above, at Benson High School in Omaha, and Northwest High School in Omaha, North High School in Omaha, and high schools in Grand Island, Nebraska, and at so many, many more track and field facilities, a turnstile gate entry is installed to prevent damage to the track and infield from bikes, strollers, soccer equipment, vandalism, theft, etc. (see image below). Crete Public Schools should do the same, and sooner than later.

Click above image to enlarge

Is it asking too much for your public officials to take care of your track?


As of Monday, June 4th, Crete Public Schools finally decided to adhere to its fiduciary responsibility - to act in the public trust and maintain the new track.

Hurdles removed from track and properly stored.
Hurdles removed from track, gates closed.
Starting blocks removed from track.
High jump mat removed from track.
Starting blocks and hurdles removed.
Thank you,
very much,
Crete Public Schools,
for finally doing
the right thing!



Due to COVID-19, on April 2, 2020 the Nebraska School Activities Association cancelled all district and state competitions.

An outdoor 400-meter track is not a dog park, or a public park, but is only available to the public at the discretion of a K-12 public school, college, or university. Nevertheless, at Crete Public Schools, in addition to people frequently ignoring the “Keep Off Grass” signage to play soccer, football, etc., yet again, this past weekend, students and members of the general public bring their dogs to the track. These animals clearly urinate and defecate anywhere they elect, and people are, therefore, at risk of stepping into or falling on such, which may include exposure to disease, or injury; and whether or not the dog is on a leash, dogs are at risk of being bitten by other dogs, and people are at risk of being bitten by dogs. As a career athlete in track and field, and like most citizens, I’d like to retain access to train, but in a safe environment free of dogs, baby strollers, unsupervised children, and track equipment exposed to harsh weather and damage from unauthorized use. No matter, as of Monday, April 20, 2020 - again, Crete Public Schools elected not to adhere to its fiduciary responsibility to act in the public trust and maintain the new track.

Starting blocks left out . . . again!
Hurdles left out . . . again!
Hurdles left out . . . again!
Starting blocks and hurdles left out . . . again!
Hurdles left out . . . again!
Hurdles left out . . . again!
High jump mat left out . . . again, but recently removed. Pole vault mat left out . . . again, but recently removed.
Vandalism to signage between 04-13-20 and 04-19-20
(. . . and so it begins.)

One might think . . .

Superintendent McDowell would respond to my phone calls or letter, but he elected not to do so. Therefore, I sent the following letter to the President of the Crete Board of Education, Justin Kuntz, and likewise, he elected not to respond. One might think . . . that these academicians and elected officials would adhere to their fiduciary responsibility to act in the public trust and maintain the new track.

One might think . . .

and one would being thinking wrong!


Then, several months later . . . clearly to reduce their legal liability, the following sign was posted . . .

No matter, I've watch unsupervised minor children (K-5), middle school (6-8), high students (9-12), college, and adults use the infield, high jump mats and racks, hurdles, and starting blocks - of course, Crete Public Schools is not responsible for accidents or injuries or for any damage or loss of equipment. At best, the additional signage is superfluousness, because it lacks the addition of soft-measures (scheduled housekeeping and general maintenance to remove COVID-19 masks and trash left by students, backpacks, etc.), and hard measures (turnstile gate entry system, electronic security, policing, city ordinance, etc.) to establish and maintain enforcement. Given the absence of proper maintenance and security measures, we can expect facility damage, equipment damage, equipment theft, non-obscene and obscene graffiti, etc.

No matter, as of Tuesday, March 16, 2021 - again, Crete Public Schools elected not to adhere to its fiduciary responsibility to act in the public trust and maintain the new track.

Main entry gate unlocked and open after 7:30 p.m.
Main entry gate unlocked and open after 7:30 p.m.
South gate unlocked and open after 7:30 p.m.
South gate unlocked and open after 7:30 p.m.
Coaches (adults) did nothing as students left
empty water bottles and trash on track.
Coaches (adults) did nothing as students
left COVID-19 masks on track.
Coaches (adults) did nothing as students
left COVID-19 masks on track.
Coaches (adults) did nothing as students
left COVID-19 masks on track.


In contradiction to an
absence of consistent
housekeeping and general maintenance
a Purell
dispenser is added to the
main entry gate to enable
entrants to sanitize

Should responsible adults abandon and leave unsecured ten-(10)
starting blocks and other expensive track and field equipment (6:47 PM, 03-23-21)?
The MSRP cost of replacement starting blocks is $203.69 each.
Should responsible adults abandon and leave unsecured seventy-four-(74)
hurdles and other expensive track and field equipment (6:47 PM, 03-23-21)?
The MSRP cost of replacement hurdles is $172.99 each.


Monday, March 29, 2021 at 7:33 PM

Intelligent, responsible adults do not allow students to make chalk marks on a track; instead, athletic tape is used.
As usual, south gate unlocked and open after 7:30 p.m.
Student clothing left on the track.
Coaches (adults) did nothing as students
left another COVID-19 mask around the track.
Coaches (adults) did nothing as students
left more COVID-19 masks around the track.
Coaches (adults) did nothing as students
left another COVID-19 mask around the track.
Coaches (adults) did nothing as students
left another COVID-19 mask around the track.
Coaches (adults) did nothing as students
left another COVID-19 mask around the track.
Coaches (adults) did nothing as students
left another COVID-19 mask around the track.
Coaches (adults) did nothing as students
left tissue or trash around the track.
Coaches (adults) did nothing as students
left another COVID-19 mask around the track.
Coaches (adults) did nothing as students
left another COVID-19 mask around the track.
Coaches (adults) did nothing as students
left another COVID-19 mask around the track.
Students at Crete Public Schools are repeatedly littering their used COVID-19 masks
throughout school property, and especially all about the 400 meter track.
Is this a potential super-spreader event placing the community at risk?
Should responsible adults abandon and leave unsecured ten-(10)
starting blocks and other expensive track and field equipment (7:33 PM, 03-29-21)?
The MSRP cost of replacement starting blocks is $203.69 each.
Should responsible adults abandon and leave unsecured seventy-four-(74)
hurdles and other expensive track and field equipment (7:33 PM, 03-29-21)?
The MSRP cost of replacement hurdles is $172.99 each.
Coaches (adults) did nothing as students
left trash stuck in the fence around the track.

Again, student clothing left on the track.
"Keep Off Grass," but there's nothing to prevent unauthorized and unsupervised soccer?
So, it's okay to play!
Latina girl joyfully rides a
motorized scooter on the track.
Walking and running their dog on the track!
It's clearly a public dog park. Bring your dog too!
That's right, bring your dog too!
Click the image below to watch the video!


Nationally, track "etiquette" expects walkers, joggers (persons who run slower than eight-(8) miles, and "non-athletes" to confine themselves primarily to lanes 6, 7, and 8. But in Crete, again, "people" are frequently walking with or without their dogs, scooters, and baby strollers in lanes 1 through 6.


Monday, March 31, 2021 at 6:26 PM

Coaches (adults) did nothing as students
left another COVID-19 mask around the track.
Coaches (adults) did nothing as students
left another COVID-19 mask around the track.
Coaches (adults) did nothing as students
leave COVID-19 mask around the track.
An entire starting block and pad removed, and not present anywhere on the track. Stolen? Out for repair?
Coaches (adults) did nothing as students
left COVID-19 masks cluster around the track.

Again, student clothing left about the track.


Monday, April 5, 2021 at 7:29 PM

Unsecured starting blocks available for
anyone to use, damage, or steal.
Unauthorized and unsupervised use of
CPS starting blocks, hurdles, etc.

So, who, specifically will pay to repair or replace
any damaged track and field equipment?
Definitely not these "unidentified" people!

Should responsible adults abandon and leave unsecured seventy-four-(74)
hurdles and other expensive track and field equipment (7:29 PM, 04-05-21)?
The MSRP cost of replacement hurdles is $172.99 each.
"Keep Off Grass," but there's nothing to prevent unauthorized and unsupervised soccer?
So, it's okay to play!
Three consecutive days, and
the same student clothing is still
in the same spot about the track.
Unsecured starting blocks left next to an open gate. As usual, south gate unlocked and open after 7:30 p.m.
Again, trash left on the infield.  

There's a great book by Robert Fulghum,
"All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten."

Page 26,
"Put things back where you found them."

Page 27,
"Clean up your own mess."

Page 28,
"Don't take things that aren't yours."

What the _____ are they teaching at
Crete Public Schools?

Is inept and negligent management, and poor coaching, as represented by the perpetual failure of Crete High School to qualify student athletes for district and state competitions, the real reason to the leave the track facility in a state of dereliction? If not, why does Crete Public Schools constantly abandon its fiduciary responsibility to act in the public trust and maintain the new track?

I welcome your feedback.

Trip Reynolds

Reynolds' Rap
June 11, 2018 / March 24, 2021
© 2017-2020 Tripoetry. All Rights Reserved.

First Amendment to the United States Constitution - Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.