Roe v. Wade: It's Not "Justice," it's just an "opinion!"

Systemic Racism and Systemic Sexism Endures,
Part 2: The Hypocrisy of Roe vs. Wade

Frankly, you should not be bothered by the recent U.S. Supreme Court "opinion" of Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organizaiton that reversed an earlier U.S. Supreme Court "opinion" of Roe v. Wade that "allowed" women the right of abortion. In these United States of America . . . whenever the need presents itself, rich and powerful people, primarily White men, have always "controlled" justice, or "purchased" justice, or "manipulated" justice, which includes brainwashing their rank and file to deliver "justice" in compliance with their own selfish interests or needs or "opinions." No, I'm not being negative, or apathetic, on the contrary, here are the facts:

The overwhelming majority of laws have always been written by men, primarily rich and powerful White men; and the overwhelming majority of police, attorneys, and judges who enforce and prosecute laws have always been men, primarily White men. Accordingly, the judicial "opinions" that matters most, are those of affluent and powerful White men.

The overwhelming majority of laws have always been written by men, primarily rich and powerful White men; which includes the overwhelming majority of police, attorneys, and judges who enforce and prosecute laws, and according to the U.S. Sentencing Commission, statistically Black men have always received harsher prison sentences than White men who commit the same crimes. Accordingly, the judicial "opinions" that matters most, are those of affluent and powerful White men.

The overwhelming majority of laws have always been written by men, primarily rich and powerful White men; and the overwhelming majority of police, attorneys, and judges who enforce and prosecute laws have always been men, primarily White men; conversely, nine-(9) of every ten-(10) victims of rape are female, and 975 perpetrators out of every of 1,000 sexual assaults walk away "free," according to RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network); but the the judicial "opinions" that matters most, are those of affluent and powerful White men.

As reported by the CDC in 2019, in the District of Columbia and 29 states that reported racial and ethnic data on abortion to the CDC, 38% of all women who had abortions in 2019 were non-Hispanic Black, while 33% were non-Hispanic White, 21% were Hispanic, and 7% were of other races or ethnicities. Notably, absolutely no men reported having an abortion. Although the overwhelming majority of people who have abortions are women of color, nevertheless, when it comes to abortion, the judicial "opinion" that matters most, are those of affluent and powerful White men, and their subordinate and dutifully brainwashed White women. What? You disagree? Consider the following:

"Justice" is not a science; "justice" is not mathematic; or empirical, or even logical, or despite the pretense, "justice" is not even fair. "Justice" exists at the whim of whomever (an individual) or whatever (corporate entity, political party, etc.) takes and/or maintains control. Just like those overtly "opinionated" religious fanatics who flip-flop and pick-and-choose the relevance of Biblical scriptures regarding homosexuality, a judicial ruling is nothing more than an "opinion," and as such, it ebbs and flows as often or as infrequently as the powers-that-be say so.

"Justice" has never represented the "will of the people," or as established in 1868 "justice" has never been administered in compliance with the Fourteenth Amendment's Equal Protection Clause that established it's illegal to "deny any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws," because the judicial "treatment" of women (and minorities) has always been defined by the authoritarian rule of men, men who are primarily rich, powerful, and White. When compared to men, especially White men, women have NEVER shared an "equal seat at the table of justice."

That's right, White men, who represent a constantly shrinking population of 30% or less, have always dictated every law, every rule, every policy. This "systemic privilege" is not evidence of a democratic republic, but validates the perpetual existence of crony capitalism.

(BELOW) If Prosecutors Represent America, Why Are 95% of Them White? | The Amber Ruffin Show

At the highest court in the United States, the lifetime appointment of U.S. Supreme Court Justices created and guarantees the perpetual existence of systemic sexism and systemic racism.

As long as women continue to act as victims instead of women taking control of their sexuality and destiny, they will NEVER receive "fair or equal" treatment under the law. It'll never, ever happen.

You do recall, don't you, what happen when the sale of alcoholic beverages was prohibited in the United States from 1920 to 1933, right? People continued to drink alcohol, especially the rich, affluent, and politically powerful people who retained easy access, while poor people engaged in home-brewing, portable stills, and bootlegging. You've got to be stupid to think prohibiting abortion will be more successful than prohibiting the sale of alcohol.

You do recall, don't you, that prior to the legalization of abortion with Roe v. Wade how relatively common it was for rich, affluent, and politically powerful people to obtain abortions safely and quietly from accredited medical professionals, while many poor and desperate women acquired the services of unlicensed midwives to perform abortions, or worse, women used wire coat hangers to self-abort their own fetus; you do recall, don't you? You've got to be stupid to think prohibiting abortion wil be more successful than prohibiting the sale of alcohol, or cigarettes, or marijuana, or opiates, etc.

Are women stupid?

Again, in these United States of America . . . whenever the need presents itself, rich and powerful people, primarily White men, have always "controlled" justice, or "purchased" justice, or "manipulated" justice, which includes brainwashing their rank and file to deliver "justice" in compliance with their own selfish interests, needs, or "opinions." No, I'm not being negative, or apathetic. Frankly, there's absolutely no reason for women to continue to be victims to the "opinions" of men, especially rich and powerful men, primarily White men, who have always "controlled" justice, or "purchased" justice, or "manipulated" justice to fulfill their own selfish interests, needs, or "opinions." Here are the facts:

As validated and published on July 1, 2021 by the U.S. Census Bureau, in these United States of America . . . women are fifty-one-(51) percent of the U.S. population.

As validated and published in 2022 by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, women have a life expectancy of 83 years versus men with a life expectancy of only 78 years.

Simply put, in the United States there are numerically more women than men, and women live longer. Therefore, if women truly desired to have the final "opinion" about the legislative and judicial character and scope of their sexuality, they could collectively vote to elect women to hold the majority of seats in all state legislatures, and in both the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate. Women do not have to be perpetual victims to the "opinions" of men. Are women too stupid to seize control of their own fate?

Why haven't men who are sexually reckless been required to have a vasectomy? Perhaps, it's because men make the rules, and men determine all exceptions to the rules. As proposed by Robert Veitch (below), if women held ultimate control in all state legislatures and in both the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate, women would be empowered to hold men responsible for their sexuality. Why haven't "responsible" men held all men mutually responsible for pregnancy at the point of conception?

Many women are or can become rich and powerful too! Women do not have to be perpetual victims to the "opinions" of men.

Are women, who can and should seize control of their sexuality, too stupid to hold men responsible?

I sincerely hope not.

I welcome your feedback.

Trip Reynolds

Reynolds' Rap
June, 28, 2022
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