Hypocrites! Hypocrites! Hypocrites!

It's appropriate to be upset about Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Seeing the broadcast killing of innocent women and children can only be considered as yet another heinous act by yet another narcissistic despot, this time Vladimir Putin. But what about the invasion of the Republic of Lakotah by the United States of America?

Numerous treaties between the US and Sioux Nation, all of which have been violated by the US.


"It's their land. Give it back!"

The Republic of Lakotah

Is the "race card" being played? Absolutely.

Is the "race card" being played? Yep.

What about the colonialism and Apartheid that literally oppressed, subjugated, incarcerated, and killed Black people throughout South Africa from 1948 until the early 1990s; where was the worldwide condemnation of White people in South Africa? It clearly didn't matter.

What about the colonialism, oppression, assimilation, subjugation, incarceration, and killing of the Aboriginal "First Nation" or indigenous people (Native Americans) of Canada from 1800s until the mid-1990s, and the decades of abducting Indigenous children from their families and communities; where was the worldwide condemnation of White people in Canada? It clearly didn't matter.

What about the colonialism, oppression, assimilation, subjugation, incarceration, and killing of the Aboriginal "First Nation" or indigenous people of Australia, and the Stolen Generations act that forcibly abducted one in ten or one in three Indigenous Australian children from their families and communities between 1910 and 1970; where was the worldwide condemnation of White people in Australia? It clearly didn't matter.

What about the colonialism, oppression, assimilation, subjugation, incarceration, and killing of the millions of Sudanese people through the Mahdist War from 1881 to 1899; and then again during 30-year-long military dictatorship of Omar al-Bashir from 1989 and 2019 and decades of human rights violations, including slavery, terrorism, genocide, female genital mutilation, and more atrocities; where was the worldwide condemnation of both White people and Black people in Sudan? It clearly didn't matter.

What about Israel's capture and occupation of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip and the Golan Heightsin 1967, that resulted in the Six-Day War; and Israel's capture of the Sinai Peninsula? Although Israel eventually returned occupied lands back to Egypt, Israeli settlements and military installations have been built within each of them, except Lebanon; so where was the worldwide condemnation of Israel? It clearly didn't matter.

What about the perpetual socio-political and military conflicts throughout middle-east and Asia: India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Israel, etc., and the refusal of the White-controlled "Western" powers to draw a firm line in the sand to end all conflict; where was the worldwide condemnation of Russia and the United States for instigating and sustaining these socio-political conflicts that perpetuate colonialism? It clearly didn't matter.

What about the perpetual absence of "solidarity" of all major religious organizations to prevent or stall the Russian invasion of Ukraine by physically creating a human blockade of Christians, Jews, Muslims, Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, etc., encircling all Russian troops and Russian military equipment within and about the boarders of Ukraine? It clearly didn't matter.

Clearly, White people control the narrative; and what really matters for White-owned and White-controlled mainstream broadcast and social media, and White political and business leaders around the "world" is NOT to be "upset" about Russia's blatantly evil invasion of Ukraine, but to place considerably less "value" on atrocities involving people of color. This is what "we" must accept.

Given that nearly 26,000,000 Soviets (Russians) were killed during World War II, significantly more than the Jewish deaths from the Holocaust, one would think, and one would be wrong to think, that Russia would not do to their former "comrades" what was done to them by Germany. Vladimir Putin clearly doesn't care. Oh, the hypocrisy.

Likewise, the injustice of colonialism, Apartheid, and the perpetual religious chaos in the Middle East did not, has not prompted another World War, but the war in Ukraine just might. From a global perspective, racial injustice is too "parochial," so it doesn't matter; it's just not worth a World War. However, as the NATO alliance continues to support Ukraine with weapons and economic sanctions against Russia, and if Russia partners with China, and if and when someone makes an "intentional" mistake . . . then things escalate and you've got World War III. You're naive to think it won't happen, because history consistently details how a "rising power" ignores the past.

In 12 of 16 past cases in which a rising power has confronted a ruling power, the result has been bloodshed.

Source: The Thucydides Trap: Are the U.S. and China Headed for War?

Oh, the hypocrites, the hypocrites, the hypocrites!

I welcome your feedback.

Trip Reynolds

Reynolds' Rap
March 8, 2022
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