Global Warming doesn't matter!

The Population Bomb written by Stanford University Professor Paul R. Ehrlich and his wife, Anne Ehrlich in 1968 projected the impact of over-population and global warming. Nevertheless, fifty-one-(51) years later, despite a perpetual preponderance of evidence, the "rich and powerful" continue to use fossil fuels as the cornerstone for economic growth and prosperity.

Notably, if you read "The National Security Implications of Climate Change" report by Dr. Rod Schoonover, which was edited by the White House, it's easy to see why some people, like President Trump, take exception to some but not all of the science-based consensus. Unfortunately, in our overtly-political-social-media-age, it's much easier to blame and fingerpoint than to work together to develop and implement sustainable solutions to global warming.

Instead of manufacturing or processing products, foods, or services with a life-cycle that's 100% recyclable, and with a negative impact on global warming, we humans continue to crap on our planet.

Simply put, humans are doomed, because the "rich and powerful" people who rule, govern, own and control governments and companies that are ultimately responsible for human-engineered pollution will only take a piecemeal (a day late, a dollar too short) response to global warming. Consequently, expect millions and millions and millions of people, especially poor people, to die.

It's basic math.

Given my age (60+) and race (Black) and residence (Nebraska), as validated by the CDC, I'll likely be dead within the next seventeen-(17) years or less, so the projected steep rise in sea levels won't immediately impact me. Plus, I don't have any children or family living along the Pacific or Atlantic coasts; so, just like the "rich and powerful," there's absolutely no need for me to be sensitive, respectful, caring, or altruistic for the lives of other human beings, and "we" should ignore the impending loss of life and property. Clearly, without regard to any Hollywood fantasy, as always, the "rich and powerful" have defined how best to "trim the herd," and if the "herd" (masses of people) are unable to mount a cultural, political, and economic revolution to end or control global warming, well, does it makes sense to live near any coastline?

Again, It's basic math.

I welcome your feedback.

Trip Reynolds

Reynolds' Rap
September 24, 2019
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