Warren Buffett is as racist as Donald Trump?

THIS JUST IN: Department of Justice says Warren Buffett's mortgage company redlined in 3 states.

As reported on July 27, 2022 by KETV-TV in Omaha, Nebraska:

Of course, Warren Buffett redlines (prohibits, discriminates, etc.) "people of color" from his property, because he literally doesn't give a damn about the "minutia" of everyday people (80% of U.S. citizens live paycheck-to-paycheck), especially Black and Brown people.

QUESTION: Does or should Warren Buffet and his subordinate staff of highly paid executives know federal, state, and local laws against discrimination in housing, employment, etc.?


So, why does Warren Buffet and his subordinate staff of highly paid executives intentionally violate federal, state, and local laws against discrimination in housing, employment, etc.?

RESPONSE: They don't give a damn, and unless they get caught "doing wrong," no one gives a damn either, especially local, state, and federal goverments that are consistently "pro business" in their enforcement and rulings. It's just that damn simple! When the affluent violate the "civil rights" of people of color they, who are typically White and male, won't serve any jail time; and at best, they might, again, they might have to pay a fine, for which they have plenty of money in a litigation contingency fund for just such a purpose. In this case, Buffett's firm will set aside a token $20 million for loans in underserved neighborhoods. Well, golly gee whiz, instead of paying fines and direct compensation to people victimized by discrimination, Buffett is going to lend people money that must be paid back to him to sustain his profit margins. Oh, you just gotta love how rich people coat themselves with teflon so that their illegal actions don't stick to them.

THE GOOD NEWS: Warren Buffet is an old fart, and he'll die soon.

THE BAD NEWS: Warren Buffet will be replaced by a relatively newer crop of younger farts who'll continue the same old racist crap that preceded and is sustained by Warren Buffet.

The message here (http://www.tripoetry.com/Black.htm#14), which is also validated in the book, "Whitopia: An Improbable Journey to the Heart of White America Hardcover – October 6, 2009 (2009, Rich Benjamin)" is very simple; unlike people of color, White people, especially affluent White people and their brainwashed lackeys, intentionally chose to live in and restrict the establishment of businesses in neighborhoods with decidedly low minority representation; and the majority of White people, especially affluent White people and their brainwashed lackeys, will leave, typically called "White Flight," rather than interact with minorities. For the most part, White people are not as likely to "accept" minorities living in their neighborhoods; conversely, minorities are more likely to "accept" White people living in their neighborhoods.

Clearly, we must thank Warren Buffet for the perpetual brainwashing of his flock.

Black Politics In Omaha Nebraska?

Nothing changes. Welcome to America!

Meanwhile . . .


Warren Buffett is no more or less racist than Donald Trump; and frankly, it's malicious and racist to label Donald Trump a racist. Buffett and Trump are plutocrats, and to sustain and grow their wealth, the overwhelming majority of plutocrats intentionally discriminate against, prohibit everyday people (80% of U.S. citizens live paycheck-to-paycheck), especially Black and Brown people, from their real estate properties. This is nothing new. Huey Long talked about this in 1935 when he said:

"Four-(4) percent of the American people own eighty-five-(85) percent of the wealth of America; and over seventy-(70) percent of the people of America don't own enough to pay the debts they own." Huey Long, December 11, 1935

During Trump first presidential campaign he was targeted as a racist landlord in New York, while ignoring the fact his plutocrat peers engaged in the same practices throughout New York's entire history. As reported by the Washington Post:

TARGETING THE TRUMPS - Amid growing evidence that landlords were refusing to rent to minorities, Congress acted one week after the assassination of Rev. Martin Luther King by passing the Fair Housing Act of 1968, which banned such discrimination.

The Trumps’ company had encountered allegations of discrimination before Donald Trump arrived. On at least seven occasions, people seeking apartments had filed complaints about alleged “discriminatory practices” with the New York City Commission on Human Rights. The company resolved the complaints individually by offering apartments to each minority applicant, but critics in New York said the patterns of bias continued.

As the new company president, Donald Trump took an interest in all levels of the business, according to his own accounts. He often helped his father with management chores, including collecting rent, sometimes from unruly tenants.

Civil rights groups in the city viewed the Trump company as just one example of a nationwide problem of housing discrimination. But targeting the Trumps provided a chance to have an impact, said Eleanor Holmes Norton, who was then chairwoman of the city’s human rights commission. “They were big names,” said Norton (D), now the District’s representative in Congress.

On June 10, 1975, the Trump Organization signed an agreement prohibiting the Trumps from “discriminating against any person in the terms, conditions, or priveleges of sale or rental of a dwelling.” The Trumps were ordered to “thoroughly acquaint themselves personally on a detailed basis” with the Fair Housing Act. The agreement also required the Trumps to place ads informing minorities they had an equal opportunity to seek housing at their properties.

“This suit was brought as part of a nationwide inquiry against a number of companies, and the matter was ultimately settled without any finding of liability and without any admission of wrongdoing whatsoever,” said Trump's attorney Alan Garten. Source: The Washington Post

Warren Buffett is no more or less racist than Donald Trump. Hum, on second thought, given Buffett's aloofness to the perpetual less-than-second-class-citizenship status of Black people in metro Omaha, Donald Trump is definitely my preferred plutocrat.

I welcome your feedback.

Trip Reynolds

Reynolds' Rap
July 31, 2022
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