Our Agenda!

Ariel Sharon, Honorable Prime Minister of Israeli
Yasser Arafat, Honorable Leader of the Palestine People
George W. Bush, Jr., President of the United States of America

Hello, Gentlemen:

I most respectfully request your consideration of the following proposal as a solution to the on-going conflict between the nation of Israel and Palestine people. As you know, the United States also had an internal "civil war." Ultimately, our nation as a whole remained intact but many of the individual states that form our republic were devastated and, conversely, many states prospered. Most importantly, the nation as a whole gave greater value to the right of individual states to chart their own path because, just like the Black civil rights movement, ALL people want the right for self-determination!

Israel won the right for self-determination and people living in the West Bank, whatever we call them, want this same right. To this very day, individual states in the American republic exercise considerable control over what happens within their borders. Our republic of states would have been weaker if our civil war had split us into two or more countries. Do the math, would a "divided" United States been able to help win World War I and especially World War II?

Our greatest resource has been our ability to tap into the immense diversity of our people that includes: Whites, Blacks, Asians, Hispanics, and Native Americans; people of every nationality including Mexicans, Canadians, Russians, Spanish, Nigerians, French, Peruvians, Germans; people of various religious beliefs including Christians, Jews, Catholics, Protestants, Muslims, Taoists, Jehovah Witnesses, agnostics, atheists; and we challenge and champion people without regard to their age, disability, sex or sexual preference. As demonstrated through miscegenation, the United States of America is composed of men and women of mixed races from every conceivable ethnic group who, despite having dissimilar agendas, we evolved from dissent to co-exist through constructive resolution. Clearly, the citizens of the United States of America do NOT share the same agenda and our internal history (civil rights, sexual revolution, Vietnam War, etc.) has demonstrated this fact time and time again. Yet, again, we have successfully faced the challenge of working together in every industry, every vocation, every religion.

The horror of September 11, 2001 changed nothing except to cause the diverse citizens of the United States of America to share an agenda that requires us to deal with these perpetrators before we can get back to our own individual agendas which, frankly, we feel are far more important. I don't believe the primary agenda for the majority of Palestinian men and women is to commit suicide attacks against Jewish people, or for the majority of Israeli men and women to kill Palestinians. If it were, the death toll would number in the millions, not in the thousands and the "conflict" would be over sooner than later.

Israel has frequently had one of the highest Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth rates in the world. However, the constant violence not only disrupts economics, its also destroys hope, ambition, and love; love for family and friends, and love of life. A "united" Israel could accomplish so much more than a divided Israel. For example, consider the fall of the Berlin Wall and the subsequent return of a united Germany. Consider the unification of north and south Vietnam, or even the return of political and economic control of Hong Kong from British to Chinese rule. Yes, internal conflicts still exist throughout the world (Northern Ireland, South Africa, South America, The Middle East, etc.) but, clearly, it's possible for decades of conflict to have a constructive evolution; this is particularly true when you consider unification over conflict.


1. Consistent with Israel's creation on May 14, 1948 as a democratic Jewish state built on liberty, justice and peace, establish that Israel be known as the "Israel Republic of Independent States."

2. Establish "Palestine" as one of Israel's self-governing independent states, but as part of the republic; not to be controlled, but as peers.

3. Establish "enterprise areas" within Palestine to focus on education, industry and recognition of the Palestinian culture. [Translation: Make Israel the economic "Japan" of the Middle East]

Historically and currently, whether known or not, men and women from Palestine have fallen in love with, had children, and even married men and women from Israel. People can live together despite their political and religious differences. As you know, Jerusalem is a unifying city for Jews, Muslims, Christians and so many more people of various faiths. Perhaps, using Jerusalem as a model, a similar open and diverse but unifying republic of Israel can be made by directing the Ministry of the Interior to redefine the current 53 regional councils to include equitable self-representation for a Palestinian state in the West Bank. It's about time.

If you've already considered this proposal and eliminated it, please reconsider it. Again, thank you for considering my request to make peace and prosperity our mutual agenda!


Trip Reynolds

© 2002 Trip Reynolds

P.S. "Thou shalt not kill," or "You shall not murder," or "You shall not kill (KJV)," is a moral imperative included as one of the Ten Commandments in the Torah, and the Bible, specifically Exodus 20:13 and Deuteronomy 5:17; and in the Qur'an at 17:33. Accordingly, as represented in the graph below, isn't it about time Jews and Muslims stop killing each other in blatant defiance of their so-called religious beliefs?

Source: "If Americans Knew" (What every American needs to know about Israel / Palestine)

Source: "ProCon of Controversial Issues - Israeli / Palestinian"